ESP32 Simple OTA/FOTA Example

You can find the example here or download full examples files.

This example shows the minimum code to use the OTAdrive in your application. You should initialize the OTAdrive library by calling setInfo in the setup menu. Copy the API key from your product overview tab and replace it in the code. Replace some numbers in version code (v@2.10.33 ex.) then compile and download the code to the MCU via USB. Then unplug the USB, change the code upload the .bin file to the OTAdrive and power on the mcu, then see the output.

You can go ahead via Quick-start guide for more info.

#include <otadrive_esp.h>

// OTAdrive APIkey for this product
// this app version
#define FW_VER "v@x.x.x"
void setup()
void loop()
    // Every 30 seconds
    if (OTADRIVE.timeTick(30))
      // retrive firmware info from OTAdrive server
      auto inf = OTADRIVE.updateFirmwareInfo();

      // update firmware if newer available
      if (inf.available)
        log_d("\nNew version available, %dBytes, %s\n", inf.size, inf.version.c_str());
        log_d("\nNo newer version\n");

Final Result