You can find a complete example Here. The library is compatible with ESP32 and ESP8266 with no action, just include otadrive_esp.h
and start to use our service like charm.
This video shows step by step adding OTAdrive to your project:
The following code shows all features of this library:
#include <otadrive_esp.h>
void setup()
// Set your API_KEY and Version Code
OTADRIVE.setInfo("YOUR_API_KEY", "v@1.0.0");
void loop()
// do it every 5 minutes (300 seconds)
// retrive firmware info from OTAdrive server
updateInfo inf = OTADRIVE.updateFirmwareInfo();
// update firmware if newer available
if (inf.available)
Serial.printf("\nNew version available: %s, %dBytes\n",inf.version.c_str(), inf.size);
Serial.println("No newer version");
// sync local files with OTAdrive server
// list local files to serial port
listDir(FILESYS, "/", 0);
// get configuration of device
String c = OTADRIVE.getConfigs();
Serial.printf("\nconfiguration: %s\n", c.c_str());